Kit Assembly

This is a page full of links to instructions for each individual board style.


The most up-to-date set of kit assembly hints are available here:

Desktop V2 Kit

PowerBook V2 Kit

DB25 V2 Kit

Older F4 BlueSCSI and Original BlueSCSI Kit Instructions Are Listed Below

Desktop Style

Any Style XCVR V1 Desktop
(Applicable to F4, F4Lite, and Mainline [original blue])

Any Style THT V1 Desktop
(applicable to Mainline, F4Lite, and F4)

F4Lite THT V1.1

F1 BlueSCSI Desktop, V1

F4 BlueSCSI Desktop V1

PowerBook Style

PowerBook THT V1.2 Kits

PowerBook THTV1 and V1.1 Kits

F1 BlueSCSI PowerBook, V2

External Styles

DB25 Male THT V1.1 Kits

DB25 Male THTV1 Kits

Centronics 50 Pin THT V1.1 Kits

Centronics 50 Pin THTV1 Kits

Macintosh Portable

F1 BlueSCSI Mac Portable, V0