This is the assembly page for Kit Version 1.1
There’s less to do than on previous versions.
Voltage regulator and regulator config resistors have been replaced by a single standalone surface-mount voltage regulator. The through-hole diode and fuse have been replaced with surface mount styles.
All you need to do is line up the termination resistors as shown (pay close attention to the way they face!), install the ‘pill module’ as shown, and solder down the Centronics 50 pin connector. Those through-hole positions for fuse and diode will stay empty.
Note those additional positions on the right, R3 and the empty two-holes. These are for you to provide an additional external activity LED if desired and are not included in the kit.
A note on the case: The screws on the centronics connector *must be backed out* for the case to fit properly. Then once the case halves are snapped together, hold the case tightly against the centronics connector and screw them back in.