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Backlit Macintosh Portable Screen Cable and Product Stock Update

You may recall from awhile back that I have been working on a new screen flex-cable for the backlit macintosh portable. These cable are cracking, delaminating, and reaching the end of their usable lifespan.

Fortunately, my latest cable design works just fine – has been tested in two backlit portables so far. The design needs some basic tweaking to make assembly easier for future orders, and it needs to be wrapped in packing tape to increase durability. But other than that, they work!

The design changes will be made whenever I have time to get back to it.

Now, the product stock update. I’ve had very little time the last few weeks to work on kits and assembled products. But this upcoming week I will be building as many kits and assembled as possible, and will be working on the main F4_BlueSCSI GitHub repo to improve documentation and make hardware designs more available. So bear with me as I work through the process.

I’m becoming more aware of interest in my Newton / eMate products / projects too, so that’s on the roadmap to get moving again. Trying to do all of this as a solo operation means things will regularly get dropped because I lack the time to do it all.