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BlueSCSI V2 WiFi Instructions

If you choose the WiFi option, instructions on how to set up the DaynaPort emulation can be found here:

Please note that you will need to add two new files to your SD card.
First, “bluescsi.ini” which is a plain text file. Its contents will look something like the below. Substitute your WiFi network name and password into the file.

WifiSSID = "NetName"
WifiPassword = "NetPassword"

The other file you need to add defines the SCSI ID for your emulated DaynaPort device. This can be an empty plaintext file, it does not need any contents. Name it “NEx.txt” where the ‘x’ is your preferred SCSI ID. For example, “NE4.txt”. The above instructions say to use “.hda”, but the file extension is unnecessary currently because BlueSCSI stops reading the filename after NE4 anyway.

If you already have other SCSI hard drives defined on your SD card, don’t use the same ID as one of them or the network device will be ignored.

You must configure both the bluescsi.ini file and the network device file or DaynaPort emulation will not work. Your system might not even boot, because wifi configuration without a network device will hang.